Driving License

Your personalized document issued by Moovy State

next step in the Moovy experience is the issuance of your personalized driving license. This license is unique to you and serves as proof of your skills and achievements within the Moovy metaverse.

With your driving license, you'll be able to compete in races, participate in rallies, and take on driving missions with confidence. Your license will also show your Avatar Type, driving skills, and level of experience, allowing other players to easily see your capabilities.

The front side of the document will contain detailed information about your avatar , including:

  • Total Achievements, Talents, Experience of your avatar

  • Any driving restrictions or limitations

  • A record of any traffic violations or accidents

  • A list of completed quest

  • A list of any special endorsements or certifications

Overall, your personalized driving license serves as a comprehensive record of your driving experience within the Moovy metaverse, and it is an important tool for you to showcase your skills and achievements to other players. So keep it updated and make the most of your Moovy experience!

Last updated