Fuel System

Fuel system in Moovy is an essential part of the game that allows players to earn MGAS tokens in Solo Ride mode. This document will provide an overview of the fuel system in Moovy and how it works.

Fuel is distributed to each player's garage based on the rarity of their cars.

The fuel replenishment occurs automatically four times a day until it reaches the Gas Cap. The amount of fuel received depends on the user's garage's tank capacity, which can be increased by leveling up, owing higher rarity vehicles, and owning multiple cars.

To use the fuel, players must fill up their car's tank from their garage. Gas replenishes 25% every 6 hours and is capped at a certain limit which can be increased by owning more cars. By maximizing their tank capacity, owning multiple cars, and leveling up, players can enjoy longer driving distances within the Moovy metaverse.

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